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24. November 2009

Justin Bieber Accident

Justin Bieber hatte einen kleinen Unfall...

Später erklärte Justin Bieber den Vorfall dann über seinen

"just got home from a wild night. i see alot of you are wondering what happened. well i had a great show in front of a great crowd and
in the last song ONE TIME i tripped over something on stage coming down the ramp and felt my ankle roll in a very bad way. turns out I fractured my foot and had to finish the song on a broken foot. After i was done i was in such pain i skipped the encore and got off stage and back to see the medics.

@taylorswift13 came backstage to see me b4 i went to the hospital because she is awsome! spent the rest of the nt in the hospital getting xrays and now a cast. sucks. But dont worry Manchester, me and @taylorswift13 = the show must go on!!"

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

it so crazy justin beiber yak eh???☺☻♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥????hahaha i luv u justin beiber?????????♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥3♥♥♥

Anonym hat gesagt…

justin biebe i love you crazy

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